Monday, November 18, 2019


Finally able to reconnect with this Blog. Will be updating in a few. More stuff to come. Medela Effect and over the Bridge along with Guardian Angels. What is going on here is all I can say and WHY! It's not HOW I know but the question NOW is WHY do I know? UPDATE: Just posted this and saw last BLOG! 3 YEARS to the day, are you kidding me? Speaking of ANGEL'S the last BLOG is about YOU but is it really about YOU? or HIM? GUARDIAN ANGEL'S here and all around.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

::SUN Pictures::

First one was taken on 9/21/16 around 2:16pm. The other three were taken on and 9/27/16 around 10:43am

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

::UPDATE:: Please comment or at least some sort of feedback!

I know most of my post are long. I'm trying to separate them up as much as possible. I'm still trying to figure out HOW I want to write my 9/11 post. YES THAT IS COMING! Only thing is I want to come to a full conclusion/theory, which I don't think anyone has notice or I have not see anyone else post about. None of my post are going to be in order but I can tell you one thing most if not all will lead somehow into another. So with that said to the 20 some people who are watching and reading please comment. Thank you to those who have found my blog.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

::The Dark and Light Strangers:: Are they real or were they just our imagination's?

The Bridge Stranger.

About three year's ago when we were living off of our Front Street apartment we took a walk to Wal-Mart for whatever reason it might have been. It could have just been a walk to get out and do something. Anyway while crossing the Pine Street bridge about mid-way we got stopped by this stranger. Now mind you at this time I had lived in town for 34 years and worked at very many stores that were in town so you can only imagine how many people I have come across in my time. This gentlemen who approached us (Black guy, mid 50's dressed nicely and very nice almost at peace with himself and the world) said to us you guys have a very very beautiful daughter. MAY I BLESS HER AND YOUR LITTLE FAMILY? So right away both me and the wife look at each other and I said SURE. So he started praying for our small family. He then said to us he has some info to share with us and said do you mind if I give it to you. We said sure we will take it no problem. Just a small flyer with Jesus on it and some scriptures from the Bible. So after saying our goodbye's and such we both went our separate ways. Both me and the wife looked back after a-little and the man was completely gone. I still have the flyer somewhere around here. If I find it I will post a picture of it here. It was just a very odd encounter that me and the wife had.

The Wedding Party Stranger.

The wife and I got married on October 24th 2009 at around 5pm. It was suppose to be 4pm but HER mom was late coming from Jersey. We got married by the Mayor of Catasauqua and had the wedding at the Catasauqua Park under my favorite pavilion. We were suppose to be married on the 2nd dip of the 3 dips and the family would look up to us but it started to rain so moved it to the pavilion. IT POURED LIKE CRAZY! Anyway we did the I DO'S the porno kiss (that was all her) then headed to the American Legion where we had our big party. Danced ate did what everybody does at a Wedding. Well at least somewhat what you do at a wedding, lol. Anyway after everything we were to take the rest of the party goer's back to our house in North Catty. I stayed a bit longer to make sure everything was nice and clean and stuff was taken care of properly because I didn't need any issue's. I was approached by a lady (White lady mid 50's with Lucille Ball red hair very nice smile not just her smile but with her eye's as well) She said to me you are the groom right I said yes I am. She told me that she was there to help clean up after the wedding and said to me that it was a very BEAUTIFUL wedding. I was like well thank you it was a Halloween, punk, gothic style wedding so you can imagine. She said to me you guys were just BEAUTIFUL. She said that we will have a very long and happy marriage. She also mentioned to me about the rain and that rain is good luck for a couple. She talked to me about other stuff as well. I said to her do you want to know something, she said what is it? I said the shirt you are wearing is a shirt my wife and her father use to have. My wife still has both shirts. Anyway she smiled and I told her the story of how we first met and how her father passed and all that. She said to me don't worry hun he was here today looking over you two and has blessed you. I started crying and told her thank you for that. I then hugged her and said I needed to head home. Now I was approached by just about everybody there and I never saw this lady before or even after the wedding. So was this my wife father or a message from him through this lady I don't know but I will take it with a grain of salt that our loved one's are ALWAY'S WATCHING OVER US! After the wedding and month went by I started talking to people about the lady and not one person could remember her from the wedding even the wife said no never seen her. I will ask my wife to put on her LIGHTHOUSE shirt so I can take a picture of it. Now here is the kicker on WHY I cried. On my wife's right shoulder she has a LIGHTHOUSE and the word DAD tattooed there. I was originally going to ask her to marry me at CAPE HATTERAS but things went differently.

So those are my two stories of the Strangers.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Baby Whisperer: Say Hi Nana Kratzer and Grandpa Harry Herrmann

This is an account between me and my little monkey Makenzie along with my wife.

First off Makenzie Aubree Kratzer was born on September 5th 2015. Yep my moms birthday. So about 2 days into this little girl's life still at the hospital we were all being checked on by the nurse's and Dr. The Dr. had asked some question and well don't you know little Ms. MakMak had answered the Dr.'s question's. We don't remember what the Dr. had asked all we know is Mak had said her first three word's. YES! WHAT! and OK. Yeah I know its hard to believe but when you have the Dr., nurse's, your wife and yourself hear a two day old baby answer the Dr. you know you're going to be in trouble when this little girl gets older. We all just had a good laugh and said well I guess she is doing ok then.

Anyway, when Mak was about 2 month old we were still living at the SICK HOUSE as my 3 year old calls it. Me and Ms. Mak were sitting there on our sofa just looking at each other and smiling. Now mind you baby's at this age normally don't hold their heads up as well as my 2 girls have. Anyway she was looking past me on my right hand side and I noticed her starting to smile and then kinda laugh or at least try to. She then looked above my head and did the same thing. I was like nah, no way. I said to Mak who is there baby. She just kept staring hard and moving to look at whoever it was. I finally decided to talk to whoever was behind me. Now seeing me and my Nana were very close and she loved baby's I said ok Nana if that IS YOU please have Mak do this. Just like that whatever it was that I asked my Nana to do Mak did the same thing. So after a few more times I starting crying and was just very happy that MY Nana was there playing with my child and to this day she is still looking over me and I'm sure at times smacking me in the back of the head. Anyway a week or two had gone by and me and Ms. Mak were sitting on the sofa again just staring at each other and now my wife is sitting next to us and Mak starts with the same stuff as before I'm like OMG, Lynnie. My wife was like what I said I think Nana K. is here again she goes what do you mean. Well I had told her what happened before with me and Mak and I said watch her. So I had asked if it's Nana please do this with Mak. Well Mak started doing whatever I would ask my Nana to do and it was beautiful so again I started crying. Lynnie says to me Bud why are you crying. I said it's not fair that Mak can see my Nana but I can't plus I know for the longest time that she has been with me ever since she passed and Mak was the 100 percent proof. She just smiled and said its ok. I said I know. So its good to know that Nana is still around and is watching not only over me but the family as well.

Grandpa Harry has been at our new apartment or is always here. I have seen him standing in the bathroom doorway at night time. Ms. Mak is always trying to play around there and is always looking up and smiling in that direction. We will ask her do you see grandpa, she turns to us smiles and tries and stands up almost like she wants grandpa to pick her up. Well about 2 weeks ago me and Lynnie were discussing world events and such and Ms. Mak was sitting in my lap and was watching some vids with us on YouTube and we got to talking about certain things and her dad was also mentioned. Well on my wife's right arm she has a Lighthouse with Dad written under it. Next thing you know as we were talking about her dad Mak pushes Lynnie's sleeve up alittle bit to show the Lighthouse. We didn't catch it right away but when Mak did that she had said Da da da. Now mind you when Mak feel's like speaking it's fast and mushed together, so you have to listen to her. Anyway I'm like wait what. I said to Lynnie did you just see what she did. Lynnie was like what. I said ok Mak is Grandpa Harry here now. Can you let us know. We asked her 2 more times and she put out her little hands reaching towards the wife arm again and finally she pushed her sleeve back up and kinda hit her tattoo and started saying Da da dad again. Well I lost it again. This was the 2nd time this kid has done it in less the ten month. So I stood up gave Mak to my wife and went to the bathroom and had a good cry while going to the bathroom and Lynnie again asked me why I was crying and I said does it not bother you that your kid can see her Nana K. and Grandpa (wife's dad) and we can't. She said no but I think it does. I know she wants him back here to take care of her. So my kid did it twice in ten month time. She is a very gifted kid. She is a lot like me. We both understand each other and can feel each other's pains. My 3 year is just as gifted as well. Thankfully for now she just dream jumps with her little sister. Oh yeah when they both nap it happens. I will post more on that as it happens.
Now here is the kicker and also proves that little Ms. Mak is gifted. Lynnie's mother Cindy just had a reading with a very good Medium and the Medium had said every night Harry visit's the girl's to give them a kiss at bedtime. So you tell me is that Medium crazy or are we both crazy?